Fifty Movie Scenes of the Decade: 2010-19, pt.2

A continuation of the list I started last month, here are some more of the standout scenes of the decade's films... Bear scene: Annihilation (2018)Bear scene: The Revenant (2015)Bear scene: Midsommar (2019)Bear scene: Paddington (2014) (a.k.a. all of it)Somehow this ended up being the decade of the bear. From the harrowing (and seemingly endless) attack... Continue Reading →

Fifty Movie Scenes of the Decade: 2010-19

As the 2010s draw to a close, I wanted to highlight some of the small moments, or full scenes, that have stood out to me over the decade now ending. These are in no particular ranking order, and I'm sure there will be more that will occur to me, but I hope this list will... Continue Reading →

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